Audiobook Publication :
Submissions are open to all genres!!!!!
We are actively growing our audiobook catalogue and would love to take a look at your book/ series for audiobook publication. Your audio will stay exclusive, earning the most revenue on the largest publishing platform. We value all clients, offer better deals than all the competition, produce faster, pay promptly and provide excellent as well as quick communication. If you’re skeptical, ask around, we are the real deal with a track record to prove it.
Include link to your book / series on Amazon or royal road story.
Authors/Writers :
Submissions are closed at this time.
We are hiring for independent contract work for hire. You’ll be tested in a couple of ways. We never shy away from the fact that editing is lackluster in compensation and want to be transparent. We gamble on the book, you get a guaranteed payday.
Content editing – pretty much coauthor editing where you heavy handed add to the story while finetuning it. Helping remove stilted dialogue, increasing exposition, turning some passive to active, and more; it is rather intensive. (Offering pay incentives, bonuses, and even royalty share %)
Generic editing – you fix common syntax, sentence structure, repeated words, weak verbs replacement, and general typos. (Generally 300 to 550 USD per 100,000 words depending on the editing proficiency)
Proofing – all you do is find blatant errors while reading the book. (By the book rate since fans help us with this as Apex Readers. Ranges from 25 to 100 per book)
We are actively looking to grow our narrator roster. Duets are needed and single female narrators. Established duets get priority when casting. If you are interested in working with us
Include samples or links to your website and your PFH rates for single and duet narration for ACX ready material. Please include a break down of your equipment and recording space. Our narrators must use an interface based mic (no USB mics) and have a well sound proofed recording space with proper dampening. Closets are just fine as long as they have proper dampening.
Must be comfortable working with explicit adult content, battle violence, adult language etc. Psuedonyms are ok.
What to audition with. Yes, it’s odd but it totally ruins AI narration from getting past our guard. Plus, we get a kick out of your Connery accents. If you met the cut, we will reach out, if not, just keep resubmitting once a month. If you are at this point, make sure the audio is professional quality, because if it’s not, you won’t be hired.
In a sultry tone, Angelica said, “Oh, you’re visiting. I hope it is worth the wait.”
Danny whispered, “I got your money.”
“What!” Angelica blurted. She tucked her head down and muttered, “Liar.”
“Angie, ya know I like my money,” Danny said in a terrible Sean Connery voice. Angie folded her arms.
“Fine, where is it?” She swapped to an Italian gangster accent. “Before I send my boys after ya.”
Danny rolled his eyes, moving his head with them. “I swear,” he said with a light chuckle. (Add a light chuckle but don’t read this bit) “You need to lay off on the accents.”